Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Boeing Company Essays
Boeing Company Essays Boeing Company Essay Boeing Company Essay Table of Contents The Boeing 787 Adrenaline . Introduction Table 1 . Milestone for the 8787 A. Table 2. Orders for Boeing and Airbus B. Organization Chart for Boeing Company Officers C. . Marketing and Financing Strategies The weak U. S Dollar Table 3. Serving from weak Dollar Hedging the Strong Dollar The 8787 Global supply Champ Ill. Figure 1. Bringing the parts together in Everett Table 4 Major Parts Suppliers The Boeing 787 Adrenaline has become the fastest-selling, wide body Jet liner is aviation history with a total of 850 orders valued at $ 127 billion placed by 56 customers as of September 2010. Boeing began to take orders of the 8787 Adrenaline after it surveyed its customers in 2001 after the 9/1 1 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, which led to the collapse of commercial air travel. Aviation fuel prices also began to rise due to the increased globalization of business world trade and international business travel especially in the BRICK emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. Boeing began to take orders for the 8787 after at surveyed its customers and it decided to make the 8787 20% more Fuel-efficient than its other Jet liners. Table 1 Dowel sin Table 1. April 26, Sows ten growth In orders Doglegging Witt Its program launch In Milestones for the 8787 2004 Program Launch with record orders the 50 planes from ANA of Japan. Orders growth to 237 in first year of its sales. July 8, 2007 Roll out of the 8787 prototype in its Premier Showing Orders reach 677. December 15, 2009 First Flight or Madman Voyage f the 8787 October 16, 2011 Entry into Commercial Service by Launch Customers ANA. Orders including cancellations climb to 820 In addition to the consumer survey, Boeing decided not to pursue a fuel-guzzling bubble-Decker development like Airbus had done with its AWAY plane. Orders for the AWAY were showing of the rising aviation fuel prices and the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. In addition overall orders for Boeing Jetliners had fallen behind Airbus orders and top management realized that to recapture Boeings leadership position, it would have to come out with game-changing, new Jet liner, which became the Adrenaline. Table 2 shows the competition between the two manufacturers from 1996 to 2006 Table 2. Comparisons of orders for Airbus and Boeing. Year 1995 1996 1997 Airbus 106 326 Boeing 441 08 1998 1999 2000 556 601 476 520 355 Year Airbus 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 375 300 284 370 1055 790 1341 779 291 465 Boeing 318 251 239 272 1002 1044 1431 662 142 480 Throughout the late sasss Boeing orders were ahead of Airbus but fell behind in 1999 and from 2001 to 2005. This reversed in 2006 as orders for the Adrenaline started to come in, vindicating Boeings decisions to make the plane more fuel- efficient. The three ways that Boeing used to make it more fuel-efficient are: Use of light-weight, carbon-fiber composite plastic material in the wings, body, tail, SSE of the Adrenaline. The carbon composite plastic will be supplied by Torah of Japan. More fuel-efficient engines supplied by GE. And Rolls Royce Development of more efficient fuel systems using advanced technology. The top company officers responsible for this decision are shown on the organization chart of Boeing company officers for 2011 II toner Marketing an A. The weak U. S dollar a Hannibal strategies The weak U. S dollar and strong foreign currency of the buyers greatly reduced the cost of buying the plane. The savings for are Air Canada purchase of one 8787 costing U. S $MM is calculated as follows. The plane is ordered when the exchange rates is U. S$ 1. 00 = C$ 1. 59. The cost in Canadian dollars is C$ 238. M. Six years when delivery and payment for the plane occurs, the exchange rate is U. S. $ 1. 00 = C$ 0. 9623. The cost in Canadian dollars has fallen by C$ 94. MM, which Air Canada saves. The % savings is calculate to be 39. 5% and is shown in Table 3 along with savings for Santa of Australia, LANA of Chile, ANA of Japan. Table 3. Savings from weak dollar. Airline Savings %Savings Air Canada C$94. MM. 5% A$MM 38. 7% Santa Lana (Chile) Chi 30,784. 29. 2% ANA yen 1,024. 5 5. 6% B. Hed ging the strong U. S dollar In the even that the US dollar strengthened against the foreign currency, foreign exchange bankers recommend that the foreign buyer negotiates a long term hedge like the credit or money market hedge good for six years with the buyers bank. Ill. The 87878 Global supply Champ The 8787 will be assembled from sub assembly models made in the United States and abroad and this process follows the modularization assembly techniques of the auto industry. The suppliers help to reduce the cost of the 8787 because they pay for he R D for making their parts according to specifications supplied by Boeing. The suppliers will also be used to help sell the plane to airline in their countries. Table 4 lists the major suppliers like the three Heavy Industries of Japan (Amateurish, Sukiyaki, Fuji), which were instrumental in getting ANA of Japan to place its second order of 50 planes making it the launch customer for 8787. Table 4. Major Parts suppliers Parts Suppliers # Of Engineers Comments Elena of Italy 770 Makes mid fuselage horizontal stabilizers of wings; Italy has NO AIRBUS manufacturing plant Spirit Arrestees of Wichita Kansas 670 Makes SSE section, engine pylons and wing edges.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Battle of Arkansas Post - Civil War Battle of Arkansas Post - John McClernand
Battle of Arkansas Post - Civil War Battle of Arkansas Post - John McClernand Battle of Arkansas Post - Conflict: The Battle of Arkansas Post occurred during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General John McClernandRear Admiral David D. Porter32,000 men Confederate Brigadier General Thomas Churchill4,900 men Battle of Arkansas Post - Date: Union troops operated against Fort Hindman from January 9 to January 11, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - Background: While returning up the Mississippi River from his defeat at the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou in late December 1862, Major General William T. Sherman encountered the corps of Major General John McClernand. A politician turned general, McClernand had been authorized to make an attack against the Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg. The senior officer, McClernand added Shermans corps to his own and continued south accompanied by gunboats commanded by Rear Admiral David D. Porter. Alerted to the capture of the steamer Blue Wing, McClernand elected to abandon his attack on Vicksburg in favor of striking at Arkansas Post. Situated at a bend in the Arkansas River, Arkansas Post was manned by 4,900 men under Brigadier General Thomas Churchill, with defenses centered on Fort Hindman. Though a convenient base for raiding shipping on the Mississippi, the principal Union commander in the area, Major General Ulysses S. Grant, did not feel that it warranted shifting forces from efforts against Vicksburg to capture. Disagreeing with Grant and hoping to win glory for himself, McClernand diverted his expedition through the White River Cutoff and approached Arkansas Post on January 9, 1863. Battle of Arkansas Post - McClernand Lands: Alerted to McClernands approach, Churchill deployed his men to a series of rifle pits approximately two mile north of Fort Hindman with the goal of slowing the Union advance. A mile away, McClernand landed the bulk of his troops at Nortrebeââ¬â¢s Plantation on the north bank, while ordering a detachment to advance along the south shore. With the landings completed by 11:00 AM on January 10, McClernand began moving against Churchill. Seeing that he was badly outnumbered, Churchill fell back to his lines near Fort Hindman around 2:00. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Bombardment Begins: Advancing with his assault troops, McClernand was not in position to attack until 5:30. Porters ironclads Baron DeKalb, Louisville, and Cincinnati opened the battle by closing and engaging Fort Hindmans guns. Firing for several hours, the naval bombardment did not cease until after dark. Unable to attack in the darkness, the Union troops spent the night in their positions. On January 11, McClernand used the morning meticulously arranging his men for the assault on Churchills lines. At 1:00 PM, Porters gunboats returned to action with the support of artillery that had been landed on the south shore. Battle of Arkansas Post - The Assault Goes In: Firing for three hours, they effectively silenced the forts guns. As the guns fell silent, the infantry moved forward against the Confederate positions. Over the next thirty minutes, little progress was made as several intense firefights developed. At 4:30, with McClernand planning another massive assault, white flags began appearing along the Confederate lines. Taking advantage, the Union troops quickly seized the position and accepted the Confederate surrender. After the battle, Churchill firmly denied authorizing his men to capitulate. Aftermath of the Battle of Arkansas Post: Loading the captured Confederate on transports, McClernand had them sent north to prison camps. After ordering his men to raze Fort Hindman, he dispatched a sortie against South Bend, AR and began making plans with Porter for a move against Little Rock. Learning of McClernands diversion of forces to Arkansas Post and his intended Little Rock campaign, an irate Grant countermanded McClernands orders and demanded that he return with both corps. Given no choice, McClernand embarked his men and rejoined the main Union effort against Vicksburg. Considered an ambitious dilettante by Grant, McClernand was relieved later in the campaign. The fighting at Arkansas Post cost McClernand 134 killed, 898 wounded, and 29 missing, while Confederate estimates list 60 killed, 80 wounded, and 4,791 captured. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of Arkansas PostNational Park Service: Arkansas Post
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