Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Healthy Diet For Myself - 1157 Words

Being in control of your life and having realistic expectations about your day-to-day challenges are the keys to stress management, which is perhaps the most important ingredient to living a happy, healthy and rewarding life (Henner 1). For this project, I wanted to focus on incorporating a healthy diet for myself. The overall problem for this behavior was finding time to eat. I work two jobs and take classes. I typically go about my days not eating nutritional meals and snacking throughout the day. My issue is also, that I don’t buy healthy food and when I work my second job at Wendy’s, I would always eat the food at my work place. Throughout this experience, my short term goal was to try to have at least one serving of fruit a day. I plan to eat, shop, and pack healthier food items. My long term goals was to eventually make the things I was doing to reach my short term goal, a lifestyle change and continue my behavior without no second thoughts. Considering the person for this project, which is myself, I am a 19 year old female. I am African American, and a 171 pound female. I am junior in college and I’m employed at Wendy’s and Western Illinois University. For my experiment, I use an ABC chart and stickers as tokens. I recorded two weeks of my behavior on the charts. I used stickers on my ABC chart represented every time I ate one serving of fruit that day. I set up a reward system, where I rewarded myself meals, snacks, and leisure activities anytime I reached my goalShow MoreRelatedThe Gluten Free Diet Essay883 Words   |  4 Pageslife style out of convenience for my mother. I would even find myself going to restaurants asking for the gluten free menu and strictly sticking to the diet in and out of my household. I was aware that I was lacking some nutrients by not eating gluten but to make up for it I took vitamin D pills and everyday women health vitamins but little did I know that was not enough to keep me healthy. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Informative Speech On System Engineering - 924 Words

Informative Speech Outline: The Benefit of System Engineering in An Engineering World I. Introduction (Approximately 1min.) A. Attention Getter: Have you guys ever design something in your life? It could be a project for your physic class or building the tree house in your backyard. B. Background and Audience Relevance: The reason I ask this question is because in every design that we have done, each of us all have been through the planning, designing, executing process. These processes are the basis foundation of systems engineering. C. Speaker Credibility: As a System Engineering major, I have been studying and working on a lot of assignment that using system engineering process. D. Thesis: Learning about the system engineering†¦show more content†¦After the designing process, we will move on to develop our prototype to making sure the system work well as a whole before we start to implement the production into work. During it working stages, a system engineering have to making sure the systems work well and helping the client or a customer with any issue occur. Transition (signpost, summary, preview): Now that you have known a little more about what system engineering is, I will now move onto my next points, which will be what benefit system engineering bring it to us. B. Main Point 2: Systems Engineering can provide an organization with a clear competitive advantage through its correct application of system principles and practices 1. Sub point 1: Through the system engineering process, we will have a better product or process in hands of the customer. As the results, it will help reduce the errors in production and through-life costs. It will also help us able to manage and afford the change of the system. Through the process, we also improve our learning about the system and improve the reliability of it. 2. Sub point 2: So, what does this system engineering process benefit us as a normal person? As a normal person, we can take this process to help us with planning and do something not necessarily is complex like designing a Naval ship but could be like a doing homework. If we go through each stage of the system engineering process carefully, we might find that it would save us a lot ofShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech Outline2182 Words   |  9 Pageswithout stating to whom these ideas or statements belong to. A student suspected of plagiarism can be given a zero mark, and possibly fail the entire course. 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Idea of Personal Protective Equipment †

Question: Discuss about theIdea of Personal Protective Equipment. Answer: Report feedback on the idea of Personal Protective Equipment Cytotoxic Precautions for all staff when preparing monoclonal antibodies (MABs) The monoclonal antibodies have been extending its usefulness in the field of science, as they do not serve as other anticancer agents and are promising a successful future in the world of cancer treatment. According to Alexander et al.(2014), the proteinaceous nature of the substance, pose threat to the healthcare staff handling with the MABs. Personal protective Equipments (PPE) should be used to risk the exposure of the staffs to specific MABs. Deliverables for PPE Reporting of any spills or accidents to the manager As per the given report the major stake holders for the undertaking of the Personal protective involves the workers, the line managers the senior managers, the drug and the QUM committee. As proposed by Ducry (2012) it is necessary to check the monoclonal risk rating and the safety data sheets provided by the manufacturer for identifying the level of risks. The line managers will be able to ensure that the workers are supplied with appropriate equipment. The senior managers will be able to conduct programs for the safe handling of the monoclonal antibodies (Alexander et al.2014). It cannot be said that PPE is taken up in every experimental set up developing monoclonal antibody. It is necessary to emphasize the application of the PPE in every such setting. References Alexander, M., King, J., Bajel, A., Doecke, C., Fox, P., Lingaratnam, S., Mellor, J.D., Nicholson, L., Roos, I., Saunders, T. and Wilkes, J., 2014. Australian consensus guidelines for the safe handling of monoclonal antibodies for cancer treatment by healthcare personnel.Internal medicine journal,44(10), pp.1018-1026. Ducry, L., 2012. Challenges in the Development and Manufacturing of AntibodyDrug Conjugates.Therapeutic Proteins: Methods and Protocols, pp.489-497.